You know who you are.
Just the other night I was planning to make spaghetti and chicken for the family, while I would leave off the noodles and stick tight to my diet. When my husband arrived home from work, I was secretly hoping that he'd suggest going out to eat since I was exhausted and quiet frankly done with being in the house, but I quickly hopped up and started to begin dinner. On edge from being overly hungry 30 minutes prior I soon realized that the chicken I planned to fry up was bad. (another story - our refrigerator was acting funny this week - ugh) Hubby said he would stay with the kids so I could just run real quick to pick up some chicken from the store. I really think he just saw the crazy in my eyes and for the sake of the children - sent me packing!
When I arrived at the store I circled the parking lot three times, just to find a parking spot.
Have you had one of these days? No food, No Parking, No SMILES WHAT SO EVER!
I ran in the store, headed to the meat department and ...
No Chicken. None - Zip - Zilch. Really?
Ok - you may be sensing a bit of high school drama queen in today's post, but honestly, I probably could have been standing there in a turquoise puffy prom dress with a sparkly crown and it would have described my feelings perfectly.
I then asked the butcher, who to my surprise spoke to me like a medieval knight, informing my-lady that there was a box in the back and he would scurry off to go get it.
I'm not joking - MEDIEVAL
Anyways, I do have a point to this post - and a recipe, so stay with me.
While waiting for the meat man I strolled through the health food aisle salivating over even the gluten free cookies or protein bars when I came across their soup. I love soup and one caught my eye in particular; the lentil soup. Lentils fall in to the legume category in my diet and I quite frankly have been avoiding it. I quickly checked the ingredients and found all vegetables, some balsamic vinegar and no added crud that takes all the nutrition out of it. YEAH! I decided that it would be perfect for my way to late dinner and was so so convenient!
When I got home I fried up one of the chicken breast, heated up the soup and mixed them together. So delicious!
Convenient Recipe right? Is it actually a recipe? Or more of a suggestion?
So go on - whip up some convenience