Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Woo-Hoo Wednesday: Christmas Time...

I. Just. Can't. Do. It......I. Can't. WAIT. ONE. MORE. DAY!

My Christmas excitement is about ready to BURST! I know today is November 30th. And I know we should separate our Thanksgiving from our Christmas. And I know December is just one day away. I know I know I know. But seriously people -- my Christmas lights are up, my home is decorated, and I've already started blaring the Christmas music in the house and car. can you hear my music? Frosty the Snowman was a la-di-da-di-da...Ok, so I don't know the words, but neither do you. And just for a moment here, while we're talking Christmas songs, did you know when they describe Mr. Grinch, they say he has Garlic in his Soul? -- Personally, I don't really think that's a bad thing. It actually makes me salivate just thinking about it. Too much? Ok, maybe I let you inside my brain a little too much on that one, but seriously people...garlic in your soul, could you imagine? Mmmm...

So, are you on Pinterest? Well, actually should I say, are you addicted to Pinterest yet? Logged in on your stationary computer, laptop, Xoom, phone, or is this just me? 

At first I was a little hesitant about this whole Pinterest thing. What do you mean, "I have to be invited?" And what is it all about? Boards? Pins? Likes? Repin? == Huh?

Wikipedia describes behavioral addiction as a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity. Yup that's me! Addicted to Pinterest!

For today's, Woo-Hoo Wednesday I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite finds for Christmas DIY on Pinterest. And while we're at it, why don't you start following me too. Jaclyn Douma's Pinterest 

Glittery Epsom Salt Snow - Click Here


Decorate your staircase -  Click Here


DIY Christmas Cards - Click Here


Cinnamon Stick Wreath - Click Here


No Christmas Tree - Click Here - I found this one humorous 

Pinterest has so many clever ideas, recipes, home decor, everything! Check it out - And HAPPY PINNING

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